Quality Angus Beef is a Family Tradition.

In August 2005, my brother Alan and I purchased our grandfather’s Historic Angus Cow Herd, Bridges Angus Farm, LLC. The farm was designated this honor by the American Angus Association after 60 years of continual production. We learned early on from our grandfather, Ralph Bridges, that if we wanted to make our cattle worth more, then we had to increase the demand for our cattle. This begins with beef quality and increased beef consumption.
How to purchase beef from The Georgia Beef Company, LLC.
What’s the next step?
– Call or text Phillip at 706-255-8494 if you have questions not answered on the website!
– Pay your deposit by clicking the “Shop Now” button on the home page. This secures your purchase of a live animal.
– You will receive a confirmation email.
– We will update you on the status of your order once we receive an appointment from the processor.
– The processor will call you after delivery to review your preferred cuts.
– There are approximately 17 days from the time delivery is made to the processor until your beef is cut, vacuum packaged, frozen, and ready for pick up.
– When the order is ready, we will contact you to arrange a time to meet at the processor, where the remaining balance will be paid in CASH OR VENMO.
– Let us know that you are enjoying the beef.

High-Quality Angus Beef
We use only the most proven genetics for tenderness and taste. These genetics have been time tested and developed by using leading technology and more than 100 years of combined knowledge. So, after a continued request for freezer beef from our family members and neighbors, we recognized the demand for our beef. It was only then that The Georgia Beef Company was born.
Bridges Angus Farm Mission
Our mission is to provide our customers with an enjoyable and healthy eating experience. The Georgia Beef Company only markets Black Angus Cattle born and raised in Georgia, so our beef is not only the highest quality, but it is also the freshest beef available for our local clientele. Our commitment is to produce the finest Premium Farm Raised Black Angus Beef. Guaranteed to please the most discriminating palate.
Our beef is a special custom ordered and then produced to meet each customer’s needs and demands. The Georgia Beef Co. is proud to say all of our beef is healthy and delicious!
Be sure to see our Special of the Month for the best prices and great beef packages for the whole cow, half cow or quarter cow. A small deposit will begin processing your beef. Go to Beef Sales.
Read more about Grass-Fed Beef and Grass-Fed, Grain Finished Beef.