Grass-fed, Grass-Finished beef for Atlanta and North Georgia from the Georgia Beef Company comes from cattle raised on grass pastures only, as the name implies. This beef usually has less fat content and some people simply prefer the taste of grass-fed beef.
Georgia Beef Company takes pride in the quality of the grass-fed, grass-finished beef we sell to our customers in Atlanta and North Georgia. We make every effort to make sure our cattle have the best grassland available and plenty of clear, clean drinking water. All of our beef is hormone-free from cattle born and raised in Georgia.
All of our cattle, including our grain-finished cows, have an abundance of fertile pasture land to graze and shady areas in the Summer.
How to purchase beef from The Georgia Beef Company, LLC.
What’s the next step?
- Call or text Phillip at 706-255-8494 if you have questions not answered on the website!
- Pay your deposit by clicking the “Shop Now” button on the home page. This secures your purchase of a live animal.
- You will receive a confirmation email.
- We will update you on the status of your order once we receive an appointment from the processor.
- The processor will call you after delivery to review your preferred cuts.
- There are approximately 17 days from the time delivery is made to the processor until your beef is cut, vacuum packaged, frozen, and ready for pick up.
- When the order is ready, we will contact you to arrange a time to meet at the processor, where the remaining balance will be paid in CASH OR VENMO.
- Let us know that you are enjoying the beef.

Grass-Fed Health Benefits
Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished beef may be healthier to eat than standard, grain-fed beef. According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, it may be healthier than traditional grain-fed products. The diets consumed by cattle have a significant impact on the overall nutrient content, fat, and quality of meat.

Quality Georgia Grasslands Produce Quality Grass-Fed Beef
Grass-fed cattle consume high-quality nutrients, plant proteins, and antioxidants. This creates a better quality product that is leaner, lower in fat, and healthier overall. This type of beef is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and linoleic acid. Consumers who suffer from gluten and grain sensitivity may also find plant-based beef easier to digest.
Grass-Fed Budget And Practicality
Grass-fed beef is more expensive than grain-fed, both for consumers and for suppliers. It takes longer to raise the cows for market weight, so the price per pound will be higher. Due to the high input costs, buyers everywhere may find the cost of grass-fed products less enticing than their benefits. Consider budget and practicality before purchasing grass-fed beef.
How to Cook Grass-Fed Beef
Since beef from cows with a purely plant-based diet is lower in fat, it should be cooked differently than a well-marbled cut of conventional grain-fed beef. Overcooking is a common mistake; cook for a shorter period of time and keep it rare, medium-rare or medium. If you’re making hamburgers, try adding chopped onions or other water-containing vegetables to the meat.
Many proponents of grass-fed beef describe techniques for ensuring that low-fat beef retains its moisture. A few suggestions from online chefs include:
- Sear grass-fed meat quickly so that the interior is rare or nearly raw.
- Tenderize meat before cooking (using a non-chemical tenderizer).
- Use olive oil or butter to ensure that the meat is moist and does not stick.
- Cook for about 30% less time than you would ordinarily need for a similar piece of non-grass-fed beef.
Also See our Grass-Fed, Grain Finished Beef.